

KAZUE SUZUKI (Feng Shui Consultant / Master of Qigong)

After having studied with several Feng Shui teachers in Japan, Kazue has finally got advanced knowledge of Flying Star Feng Shui – globally accepted as the “Real Feng Shui” – though apprenticing internationally famous masters.

At the same time, Kazue started learning A-Ray Style Chu Shin Qigong under Grand Master Yoshio Arai. As one of his able disciples, Kazue has been approved as Master of A-Ray Style Chu Shin Qigong. She has been teaching Qigong workshops in abroad on behalf of Grand Master Arai since 2013.

Additionally to complete all knowledges about The Five Arts, Kazue learnt Ancient Chinese Wisdoms from Chinese tutor Lei Yaqing in Shanghai, including Yellow Emperor’s Health Book, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Confucius, Laozi, Taoism, Zhuangzi, Liao-Fan’s Four Lessons, Taoist’s regimen, etc.

During 2011- Spring of 2019, Kazue was a member of the International Feng Shui Association located in Singapore.

Kazue has organized Feng Shui Salon ACQUARIA for providing private consultations by using one or a combination of; the Flying Star method, Four Pillars of Destiny, I-Ching Divination, and other skills and techniques related to The Five Arts including Chu Shin Qigong. Kazue’s consultation of Four Pillars of Destiny is very popular as the careful reading. Clients are able to get all the details straight about their own destinies.

Consultations and workshops of Feng Shui and Qigong are held worldwide; mainly in Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Italy, Germany, the UK and the US, in Japanese, English. Kazue’s consultation is known for its practicality (sensitive to international protocol and local culture), adaptability (which builds upon the client’s original interiors) and originality (based on A-Ray Style Chu Shin Qigong).

Since 2014, Kazue has organized Feng Shui study tour on an annual basis to observe and experience “Real Feng Shui” around the world, which is very popular for her students and clients.

For 2015-2017, Kazue has lectured Chinese Cosmology (Chinese Metaphysics) at Funai Media / Eva Vision. Students can learn not only the essence of Flying Star Feng Shui method – how much powerful and effective “real Feng Shui” is – , but also all knowledges of the Five Arts systematically and comprehensively. Kazue’s special lecture “Flower of Romance class” provided repeatedly both at Funai Media and her own office is especially popular.

Kazue has taught Chu Shin Qigong’s special class for seniors (over 60’s) organized by Funai Media in 2017.

Kazue is married to a popular palmist and Master of A-Ray Style Chu Shin Qigong, Satoru Suzuki.

電話はつながりにくいためなるべくメールにてご連絡ください。 TEL 03-5420-5600 Mail info@fs-acquaria.com 受付時間 9:00 - 18:00 [ 土・日・祝日除く ]

February 2025

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運命を変える!Universal Tesou 


「Save the Date」

中心アロマ 「ヒカリノモト」

